Posts tagged pet toxins
A Threat to Your Pets: 10 Household Toxins You May Not Know About

Do you consider yourself familiar with some of the common household items that are toxic to pets? Grapes and raisins (kidney failure), chocolate (vomiting, diarrhea, seizures), and anti-freeze (also causes kidney failure). But there are many more that are not really talked about so I decided to put together a list of toxins you may not be familiar with. Remember, when an animal has ingested a toxin, often the symptoms are not very specific (lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures): which means YOU as the pet owner are the key to figuring out what your cat or dog may have gotten in to. As a veterinarian, I rely on my clients to be honest and think through their day in hopes of figuring out what their pet could have eaten. Knowing which items in your home are a potential risk, is the first step at helping your veterinarian identify toxin exposure. All of these toxins I talked about are dangerous for your pets and most are lethal without treatment, so please share with friends and spread the word!

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