Is Your Cat Healthy? 4 common diseases of older cats

Cats are amazing animals. They are intelligent, inquisitive, and often independent companions. With the busyness of our family schedule, there are many days that go by where I only see my cats in passing. When I think about my dogs, our relationship is very different. My dogs run with me, go to the beach with our family, and travel with us. I am more likely to notice when my dogs aren’t feeling well or when they are in pain. My cats, not so much.

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Leigh Hofmeister
Navigating Veterinary Medicine Post-Pandemic

Hi there! It’s been awhile since I have posted a new blog and I will say this is definitely not a typical topic, but it does need to be addressed as changes are happening in veterinary medicine not just in your city but all over the world. We all remember hearing about the puppy pandemic and how many families adopted new pets in the Spring of 2020. In addition to new pets flooding the market, women’s careers were hit hard when schools chose to begin virtual learning and did you know veterinary medicine is a female dominated profession? What I am saying is: right now there is a shortage of veterinarians and veterinary staff. I want to help you, as a pet parent, navigate through this so you aren’t the one spending 8 hours waiting to be seen at your local veterinary ER or waiting 2 weeks for your veterinarian to fill your pet’s medications. By taking some simple steps to prepare for your pet’s visit and maintaining an open and honest line of communication you will have a great experience!

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Leigh Hofmeister
Disaster Preparedness for Pets: 7 tips

September is my favorite month where I live.  The tourists have gone, we have cool mornings and evenings, but still experience warm days.  The beach is beautiful (and empty!) in September, yet the water still warm enough to swim.  September is also the heart of hurricane season on the east coast, and as we stock away water, canned food, and other essentials for impending storms, we do not want to forget about our 4-legged family members.  Here are 7 tips to help prepare you and your pet for a natural disaster.

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Leigh Hofmeister
Ticks: what's the big deal?

March is a tricky month, isn’t it? In many parts of the United States people are experiencing the last snow storms Winter has to offer while others are beginning to see glimpses of Spring. As far as our pets are concerned, this is the time of year their exposure to ectoparasites (ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes) begins to really become a threat.  Many pet parents choose to discontinue their monthly flea and tick prevention during the winter months as they do not feel the exposure really exists, while others continue to treat their animals every month.  I want to discuss the importance of preventing ectoparasites in our animals – specifically ticks – because they pose a threat not only to the health of our pets, but also to us!

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Leigh Hofmeister
A Threat to Your Pets: 10 Household Toxins You May Not Know About

Do you consider yourself familiar with some of the common household items that are toxic to pets? Grapes and raisins (kidney failure), chocolate (vomiting, diarrhea, seizures), and anti-freeze (also causes kidney failure). But there are many more that are not really talked about so I decided to put together a list of toxins you may not be familiar with. Remember, when an animal has ingested a toxin, often the symptoms are not very specific (lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures): which means YOU as the pet owner are the key to figuring out what your cat or dog may have gotten in to. As a veterinarian, I rely on my clients to be honest and think through their day in hopes of figuring out what their pet could have eaten. Knowing which items in your home are a potential risk, is the first step at helping your veterinarian identify toxin exposure. All of these toxins I talked about are dangerous for your pets and most are lethal without treatment, so please share with friends and spread the word!

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Welcoming A New Puppy: What Do I Do Now?

One of the best things to happen as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic has been the rise in pet adoptions across the country. Beginning in March of 2020 and into 2021, shelters continue to see a demand in adoptions and breeders talk of wait lists a mile long. I have certainly enjoyed watching clients welcome new animals into their homes but I have also realized many of the people adopting animals are completely new to pet ownership. While some have had dogs or cats previously, for many families it has been years since they’ve welcomed a new addition. Since it can be challenging to convey every piece of information during one veterinary visit, I thought I would put together some tips for welcoming a new puppy.

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Dental Disease: What You Need to Know

Chances are, if your dog or cat is more than 4 years old, your veterinarian has mentioned dental disease or talked with you about dental care.  February is National Pet Dental Health Month so I am coming at you this month with a 3-part series in an attempt to bring awareness to dental disease and help you to provide the best care for your fur baby.

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Leigh Hofmeister
Holiday Season Treats: What CAN Your Pet Eat?

I don’t know about you, but as soon as Labor Day is over, I find myself gathering materials for Halloween costumes, preparing Thanksgiving dinner plans, and making Christmas Lists! The fall seems to blend together, and I think it has done so this year more than any other. Whatever holidays are being celebrated, I know your pets are included. And with so many social media posts about what you cannot feed your pets, I thought I would take the opposite position and list some healthy holiday foods you can share with your furry family members!

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Leigh Hofmeister
Cat Care: 3 Reasons to Take Your Cat to the Veterinarian

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of pandemic life! I miss the days where I didn’t have to think about so many things before leaving my house. The constant state of worry is exhausting, and I have been trying hard to give my children a normal, yet safe, summer. As a veterinarian, I have continued to work and I am actually seeing many new clients and patients as people bring new animals home to brighten spirits during such a trying time. And while many families have adopted new puppies, coining the term ‘pandemic puppy’, I have noticed an increase in cats visiting the clinic too. Yes there are people adopting kittens, but I have seen many sick cats and often with preventable illness. If you have followed me for awhile, you know that seeing an animal sick with a preventable illness is one of the things that upsets me the most! So, I thought I would type out some encouragement for the feline families out there!

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Leigh Hofmeister
Pandemic Puppies: Why Not?

Pandemic puppies. It seems to be a popular headline in the media recently, and there is some truth to this. I work in a small animal private practice and my new patient numbers are up over 50% from April of last year. Many shelters and pet stores were emptied out right before the official stay at home order was announced, and I know several breeders who are receiving more puppy applications than ever before. It thrills me to see families accepting a new furry family member, but is now the time to be adding to the family?

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Leigh Hofmeister
Coronavirus & Your Pets: An Update

There have been changes to our lifestyle and more has been learned about COVID-19 since my last blog post just 2 weeks ago. I have appeared on several radio & television shows to share how coronavirus is impacting our pets and their people and I wanted to provide an update on my blog so it would be easily accessible to all.

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Leigh Hofmeister
Coronavirus and Your Pets: What You Need to Know

You can’t go anywhere without talking or hearing about Coronavirus. Just this morning I heard Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, have tested positive. All businesses from my local hospital to Starbucks to my hair salon have sent emails, letting us know they are monitoring the spread of the virus and increasing their sanitation efforts. If it has been confirmed in your city or state, you may even be working from home. It is scary to hear about a new viral disease that is spreading quickly. And while our concern centers on family, friends and colleagues, my patients have asked about the risk to their pets too. Therefore I have compiled research from several credible sources in order to provide you with the most accurate information regarding Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the associated disease COVID-19 and what risk, if any, this poses to your fur babies. It is important to note this is a novel coronavirus, meaning it is brand new and we are learning more every day.

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Leigh Hofmeister
Holiday Gift Guide: Pet Edition

December is here and the holidays are quickly approaching. I have always loved making sure my pets are part of the holiday festivities. One of my favorite memories is watching my childhood dog, Belle, open her box of milk bones Christmas morning. Santa always wrapped her gift and left it under the tree for her to find & unwrap (which was very entertaining)! With 3 dogs and 2 cats, it is difficult to come up with unique gift ideas for them each year so I put together a list of gift ideas for your fur baby. Enjoy!

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Leigh Hofmeister
My Puppy's First Veterinary Visit: What to Expect

If you have been following along on My Vet and Me’s social media accounts, you know my family recently welcomed TWO Labrador Retriever puppies. It has been 8 years since I have had a puppy in the house and it has definitely taken some getting used to! Puppyhood is so exciting. You make new friends because EVERYONE wants to pet and visit with your new addition, you get less sleep (at least for a few nights) because said puppy needs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but you are also making quite a few trips to the veterinarian. Here is a list of what to expect during those puppy visits and to help prepare you (& pup!) ahead of time!

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Leigh Hofmeister
Take Your Cat to the Vet: 5 reasons cats need regular veterinary care

Cats are one of my favorite animals. They are independent, yet loving. Stoic but full of personality. They are very low maintenance (in my opinion) compared to their canine counterparts and they make a fabulous addition to any family. However, many people perceive that cats do not require the veterinary care that their canine pets receive. This is not true - cats (maybe even more-so than dogs) need regular visits to their veterinarian. Continue reading below for 5 reasons cats need regular veterinary visits too!

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Leigh Hofmeister
Back to School: Pet Edition

It is that time of the year again: back to school! Say goodbye to sunshine and chlorine soaked suits and hello to pens, paper, and projects. As a parent, I am looking forward to a little quiet around the house and enjoying time with my 6 month old while my older two are at school. But I can tell you, as a veterinarian, I see many dogs and cats who are not so thrilled. A family’s schedule change from school to summer and back again can affect our fur babies more than we know. I have seen cats urinating on backpacks and dogs chewing up textbooks, so I thought I would start the month of August off with some tips to help your fur babies adjust to the school year.

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Leigh Hofmeister